Scripture Stories

Suzanne sent me a this photo of JR and JP reading scriptures.

I remember taking this one of Mark and Kathryn reading their scriptures.

It's good to get them started young on reading scriptures. Kathryn loves her Scripture Readers. We are currently reading the Old Testament and she is so good with finding stories. She can find the creation of the animals, Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve's family, Enoch, Noah, Jesus blessing Jacob/Israel, Baby Moses, Moses and the burning bush, 'Old' Moses (when he sees the Promised land before he dies), and Samuel. I love that she loves and knows the scriptures so well and she is only 18 months old!


Heather said...

I've got a video of Tui I should share with you guys--I'll just have to remember to upload it sometime when I'm at home. Thomas' have cute kids!

Heather said...

I couldn't find the video I like best, but this is Tui reading the scriptures at the LA temple visitor's center. Unfortunately, there is a lot of background noise.